We told the boys not to wake us up before 8:00 AM.
They didn't BUT went and checked it all out at around 6:30am.

They both asked Santa for tickets to Disney World. Gabe also wanted a football signed by A.J. Green. Pierce wanted a snow tiger. They must have been really good this year because they got what they wanted.

Pierce checking out his stocking.

The boys gave Clay the biggest present under the Christmas tree.
It was something they both wanted for their daddy (and themselves).
It was a new backboard for the basketball goal.

Gabe got Pierce this game that is similar to Simon Says.

It started snowing later Christmas Day. It snowed all night too.
The boys woke up to white everywhere.

They played for a long time outside.
Sledding, snowball fights, and four-wheeling with their daddy.

That's a lot of snow!

After playing in the snow, they came in to play with their presents from
Pierce had to dig for dinosaur bones.

Gabe had to make crystals.
Gabe quickly got his finished and then had to wait for the crystals to grow.

Pierce had to dig and dig and dig. And then dig some more. He is still not finished.
This may be a long process but he is enjoying it!