Friday, March 12, 2010

Monkey Joe's

Friday we had no school, so Kaye and I decided to take the kids to do something. We had hoped for a hiking trip to the mountains but the rain prevailed. So, off to Monkey Joe's to get some energy out!

Most of the pictures were horrible. Blurry, kids running through the picture with only a head, or just a jumping thing (kids long gone) in the picture. But Jamie, Gabe, Pierce, and Jodie had fun even while I chased them around trying to get a good picture or two.

A brief moment of calm.

We are thirsty! So slushies were a must! But mama wasn't aloud to have a sip! Greedy turkeys! Kaye was smart and bought her own.

I had to wait until they were at the bottom to get this picture. But man, it is cute.
So are those kids!

Even the mamas had a good time while the rugrats played.

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