Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day with Paul

Paul (Clay's uncle) called us this morning to see what we were up to.
I told him I was bored out of my mind.
He told me to come on over and to bring the boys.

He had rigged up a lid to his truck and was pulling the kids.
Pierce, Terra, and Gabe on the tailgate and another Gabe is on the "sled".

Gabe's turn.

Jordan would have ridden every time if everyone would have let him.
He had so much fun.

Here is Gabe again. I think the ice to the left looks like water.

Terra paved the way for the track.
She, Jordan, and Gabe (a friend) had ridden around several times and had it ready for us.


Pierce again!

They finally convinced me to go. Paul said he would go slow.
He lied! It was a lot of fun though!

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