Monday, September 5, 2011

Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Bowl

We went to the Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Bowl against Boise State.  We had a really good time at the Fun Zone.  The boys played games, got a lot of free stuff, samples all over the place, and FREE Chick-Fil-A milkshakes.  YUM!
Getting ready. GO!

Gabe is in the lead.

But in the end, Pierce won.

We had to have our picture with the Geico Gecko

One of the many faces of Pierce.
I am so cute.

Who me?

Gabe and Pierce with Garrison Hearst.
Gabe got an autographed picture.
Pierce had him sign his hat.

We saw Lindsay there and Mr. Wheaton (BC high school principal).

Tailgating with most of the gang.
Mr. and Mrs. Skeen, Tremaine, Randy, Adam, and Lindsey

The Martin Family

Heather and Clay

This was before the game.  The atmosphere was exciting.
I will leave this as the only picture as the rest of the game
was not worth a whole lot!

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