Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 4 Juneau, AK- Alaska Zipline

We went on the zipline excursion.
It was through the temperate rainforest. It was unbelievable!
There were a bunch of zips with the longest being more than 700 feet long.
I think that is part of it above.

Before we were able to zip, we had to get geared up and learn the basics.

Then it was on! Pierce loved it.

I was flying and just a little nervous about the heights.

Gabe thought is was awesome.

What a motley crew.
Sarah, Gabe, Jack, Clay, Pierce, and Sonya

What a cute couple!

We also had to walk on this suspension bridge.
I did NOT like it. Everyone was jumping and I wanted to cry!

What did I do?

Ken is beating Pierce up so he can go next.
I'm pretty sure Pierce won.

Heading back down to the ski lodge and to Mendenhall Glacier.

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