Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Highly Effective Habits of Happy Kids

Gabe was chosen to present at the BOE meeting on April 19th. He was one of several students from 2 third grade classes and his fourth grade class. They have already presented to our school Superintendent, Mr. Erwin earlier in the year. The group also presented in front of the Education Department at Piedmont College. There were 25 to 30 professors in attendance.

The Board of Education members, our Superintendent Mr. Erwin, Assistant Superintendent Mrs. Reed, and others are seated at the front. There were lots of visitors present too.

Gabe presenting. He was very poised and spoke eloquently.

The whole group that presented.

Mrs. Fuschetti (Gabe's 3rd grade teacher), Mrs. West (Gabe's fourth grade teacher, this year)
Gabe and Pierce!

Gabe and his teachers!

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